Study and Obey Latest Video Bible Studies

For nearly 20 years, I have been leading a weekly Bible study. The approach is simple. We go through the text one book at a time and each book one passage at a time.
First, we study the meaning of the text as the original audience would have understood it. Then we seek to discover the universal and timeless principles which apply to us today. Finally, we make practical applications from each text to our everyday lives.
I have found that every single part of the Bible is relevant and meant to be obeyed. Whether it is a letter from an epistle or a message from a minor prophet, the text comes alive when we seek to understand how it applies to us.
Our written studies reach out to a large audience who use them in their own study of God’s Word or to help them lead a group.
And now, we are excited to announce that Study and Obey has launched a YouTube channel. We hope that this will minister to those who enjoy watching and listening to Bible studies. May God use this platform to help you study and obey His Word one passage at a time!