| Abraham | Barak |Barnabas | Boaz | Daniel | David | Elisha | Elijah | Esther | Ezra | Hannah | Hezekiah | Isaac | Jacob| Joab | John the Baptist | Jonah | Jonathan | Joseph | Joseph step-father of Jesus | Lot | Martha | Mary | Mordecai and Haman | Nehemiah | Noah | Paul | Peter | Rahab | Rebekah | Ruth | Samson | Samuel Sarah | Solomon | Timothy |
Character Bible Studies – Study Key People in the Bible
One of our most popular Bible study series is on Bible characters. Each study takes an in depth look at one person in the Bible and their life story. Their history and background are examined along with key events in their life. Strengths and weaknesses are identified. The purpose is to find helpful lessons from their lives which we can apply to our lives today.
Small group Bible studies really enjoy studying the life of a person. The spiritual giants in the Bible faced the same struggles as we do. They had the same failures or successes. Thus the lessons learned from them are extremely practical. Our hope is that by studying them you will be able to follow their good examples, but avoid their mistakes.
For our Bible study groups character studies have been a nice change of pace after in depth focused study of one book in the Bible. You will notice that our character studies follow a specific format. Our suggestion is that you ask those in your Bible study to download the Character Study Form and fill it out before coming to the group meeting. This personal study can give them a much deeper understanding of the character and train them to study the Word for themselves. Please do leave your comments as you go through the studies so that we can benefit from your insights as well.
E-book – If you found these character studies helpful, get our Character Studies E-book, with 8 practical lessons on important Bible heroes of the faith.
Paperback Book – You can also order a paperback version of the Character Studies book from Amazon.